CHICKEN automated tests

Here you can find daily results for automated tests executed for CHICKEN and all its eggs.

The tests are performed by Salmonella using a fresh clone of the CHICKEN core sources on an environment which contains external libraries and tools required to build most eggs. Salmonella runs the build process for the CHICKEN core sources and uses the freshly-built compiler to install and test all the latest released egg versions from the repository.

Here are the results, organized by branch in the CHICKEN core repository, C compiler, operating system, hardware platform and date (YYYY/MM/DD):


WARNING: CHICKEN 6 has not been officially released yet.

OS HW Branch C compiler Debug? Speed? Cached? Results Atom feeds
Linux x86 master gcc no no yes 2025 feeds


OS HW Branch C compiler Debug? Speed? Cached? Results Atom feeds
Linux x86 chicken-5 clang no no no 2025 feeds
Linux x86-64 chicken-5 gcc no no yes 2025 feeds
Linux x86-64 chicken-5 tcc no no yes 2025 feeds
OpenBSD x86-64 chicken-5 clang no no yes 2025 feeds
OpenBSD x86-64 chicken-5 clang no yes yes 2025 feeds
OpenBSD x86-64 chicken-5 gcc no yes yes 2025 feeds

The Debug? column indicates whether CHICKEN was built with the DEBUGBUILD variable set or not.

The Speed? columns indicates whether CHICKEN was built with the OPTIMIZE_FOR_SPEED variable set or not.

The Cached? column indicates the salmonella operation mode. In the non cached mode, salmonella sets the local egg repository empty after testing each egg. By doing this, salmonella is able to catch dependencies problems, at the cost of being very slow. In the cached mode, salmonella does not set the local egg repository empty after testing eggs. This mode is much faster, but it is not able to catch dependencies problems.

Daily results

Each daily-generated directory contains the following directories:

and files:

Feeds for eggs

If you want to be notified when some egg breaks, you can subscribe to the test feeds (see the Atom feeds column in the table above). They are updated when installation or tests break.

If you have a Subversion account for the eggs repository, you can create a custom feed configuration file for you to summarizes the status for all the eggs you want to follow. Take a look at one of the custom files under the salmonella-custom-feeds directory. The generated custom feed files are written to the custom directory under the feeds web directory (example).

Atom feeds for salmonella results are generated by salmonella-feeds.

About the test machines

Linux (Debian 9), x86-64
provided by Mario Domenech Goulart
Linux (Debian 10), x86
provided by Mario Domenech Goulart
OpenBSD (6.8), x86-84
provided by Mario Domenech Goulart